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Erziehungs- und Familienberatungsstelle Kinderschutzbund

Kinderschutzbund Ortsverband Zittau e.V. provides a range of services including counseling, meetings, education, support, and social activities for children, youth, and families in Zittau and the surrounding area. They aim to protect children and suppo... mehr ... zuletzt aktualisiert am 15. August 2024


Yoga Zittau - Beate Köcher

Yoga Zittau is a company that offers gentle and mindful Hatha Yoga classes for beginners and experienced practitioners. Their courses are certified by all health insurance companies. mehr ... zuletzt aktualisiert am 15. August 2024


Yoga & Entspannungsoase

Yoga & Entspannungsoase Alexander Jährig Yoga Zittau is a wellness and fitness center in Zittau, Germany. It is led by Alexander Jährig, a martial arts and relaxation expert. The center offers a variety of yoga and relaxation courses to help individual... mehr ... zuletzt aktualisiert am 15. August 2024


Leben in Balance - Yoga und Massage

mehr ... zuletzt aktualisiert am 09. Oktober 2024


Ganzheitliche Psychotherapie & individuelles Coaching

Die Webseite stellt die Dienstleistungen von Maik Borbe als Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie, Systemisch-Integrative Sozialtherapeutin & psychologische Beraterin vor. **Hauptausrichtung der Beratung:** * **Lösung ungenutzter Potentiale:** Durch bewusste Arbeit mit dem Körper können alte Muster gelöst und neue Lebensbereiche aktiviert werden. Methoden: Bewegungs- und Achtsamkeitstechniken, Lösen von Verspannungen. * **Entspannung als Schlüssel zur Veränderung:** Entspannungstechniken helfen, vom Unwünschten zum Wünschenswerten zu gelangen und die eigene Gestaltungskraft zu erleben. Angeboet werden: Autogenes Training, Progressive Muskelentspannung, Körperbewusstsein, Yoga, Atemübungen, Meditation. * **Individuelle Anpassung & Achtsamkeit:** Die Prozesse sind wertschätzend, achtsam und auf die Einzigartigkeit des Klienten abgestimmt. **Wichtige Punkte:** * Die angewandten Methoden greifen nicht in das Funktionieren von Körper/Geist ein und ersetzen keine ärztliche Behandlung diagnostizierbarer Störungen. * Kostenloses Kennlerngespräch angeboten. * Kontaktmöglichkeiten: E-Mail Formular, direkt per E-Mail an mail.besserlebenberatung@gmail.com. * Aktuell nur Telefonberatung / Sessions über Skype möglich. Die Webseite ist informativ aufgebaut und vermittelt einen guten Überblick über die angebotenen Dienstleistungen und die Philosophie von Maik Borbe. mehr ... zuletzt aktualisiert am 09. Oktober 2024


Erziehungs- und Familienberatungsstelle Kinderschutzbund

Kinderschutzbund Ortsverband Zittau e.V. provides a range of services including counseling, meetings, education, support, and social activities for children, youth, and families in Zittau and the surrounding area. They aim to protect children and suppo... mehr ... zuletzt aktualisiert am 09. Oktober 2024


Ergotherapie ptv Sachsen in Zittau

This appears to be a newsletter from the "Psychosozialer Trägerverein Sachsen e.V." (ptv Sachsen) - a German non-profit organization providing psychosocial support services in Saxony. **Here's a breakdown of the information:** * **Newsletter Signup:** The top section introduces the newsletter and includes a link to subscribe. It emphasizes data privacy, mentioning that users can unsubscribe at any time and providing a link to the full privacy policy. * **Contact Information:** The organization's address and phone number are clearly displayed. * **Website Navigation:** * A list of links guides readers through various sections of their website, including: * "Für Betroffene" (For those affected) * "Für Angehörige" (For relatives) * "Für Jugendliche" (For young people) * "Für Kostenträger" (For payers/insurers) * "Für Partner" (For partners) * "Für Mitarbeiter*innen" (For employees) * These links lead to specific services and information tailored for different target groups. * **Services Offered:** The newsletter highlights various services provided by ptv Sachsen, including: * Beratung (Counseling) * Arbeit & Beschäftigung / Tagesstruktur (Work & Employment/Daily Structure) * Therapie & Pflege (Therapy & Care) * Wohnen (Housing) * Begleitung in der eigenen Häuslichkeit (Support in one's own home) * Projekte und Fortbildungen (Projects and Trainings) * **Additional Information:** The newsletter also includes links to: * "Das Leitbild" (Their mission statement) * "Satzung" (Their bylaws) * "Stellenanzeigen" (Job postings) * "Praktikum / Ehrenamt / Freiwilligendienst" (Internships/Volunteer work) * **Social Media:** Links to their Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram pages. * **Donations:** A prominent call to action encourages donations through a button linking to a secure donation platform and providing their bank account information. **Overall, this newsletter effectively communicates the mission and services of ptv Sachsen while inviting readers to engage further through website visits, donations, or social media interaction.** mehr ... zuletzt aktualisiert am 09. Oktober 2024


Yoga Zittau - Beate Köcher

Yoga Zittau is a company that offers gentle and mindful Hatha Yoga classes for beginners and experienced practitioners. Their courses are certified by all health insurance companies. mehr ... zuletzt aktualisiert am 09. Oktober 2024


Yoga & Entspannungsoase

Yoga & Entspannungsoase Alexander Jährig Yoga Zittau is a wellness and fitness center in Zittau, Germany. It is led by Alexander Jährig, a martial arts and relaxation expert. The center offers a variety of yoga and relaxation courses to help individual... mehr ... zuletzt aktualisiert am 09. Oktober 2024


Physiotherapie Gedlich

This text describes various physiotherapy treatments offered by "Physiotherapie Gedlich". Here's a breakdown: **Treatments:** * **Heat Packs:** Used to relieve muscle tension, boost metabolism, and alleviate pain. The warmth increases blood flow, aiding the healing process. Often combined with other therapies for maximum effectiveness. * **Physiokey:** Utilizes bioadaptive impulses to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. Promotes adaptation and regeneration, leading to pain relief, muscle relaxation, and improved well-being. Treatment is personalized for optimal results. * **Tuina Therapy:** A traditional Chinese massage combining acupressure with manual techniques. Aims to regulate Qi (life energy) flow and release blockages. Benefits include pain reduction, increased mobility, and overall well-being. Can be both relaxing and energizing. * **Guasha Therapy:** An ancient method using a special instrument to scrape the skin, promoting blood circulation, strengthening the immune system, and releasing energy blockages. Effective for various ailments from muscle pain to colds. * **Aromatouch:** Combines essential oils with a specialized massage technique to restore balance and harmony within the body. Tailored to each individual's needs. Helps reduce stress, strengthen immunity, and enhance well-being. * **Dorn Therapy:** A gentle manual method correcting misalignments in the spine and joints. Uses specific techniques to reposition displaced vertebrae and joints. Benefits include pain relief, improved posture, and increased mobility. Emphasizes collaboration between therapist and patient. **Additional Information:** The text also includes impressions of two physiotherapy practices: "Zittau West" and "Zittau Nord." These likely showcase the facilities and atmosphere of the practices. Let me know if you have any other questions about this text! mehr ... zuletzt aktualisiert am 09. Oktober 2024

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Olbersdorf Großschönau Eibau Neugersdorf
